Edward Bach was a bacteriologist, pathologist, immunologist, homeopath, spiritual writer and doctor, well known for founding the 38 Bach flower remedies to treat various emotional, and psychological conditions. His journey was guided by his intuition, a deep inner connection with nature and his aim to find a simple, non-invasive, harmless healing method to heal everyone safely.

Edward Bach was born on the 24th of September in the suburbs of Moseley, Worcestershire. He studied medicine at the University College Hospital, London, and obtained a Diploma of Public Health (DPH) at Cambridge. Bach worked as a house surgeon and later as a bacteriologist. He had a successful career in conventional medicine but was increasingly drawn to more holistic approaches.

Bach became so interested in homeopathy that he began to work at the London Homeopathic Hospital. Throughout his work there, he developed several vaccines known as the Bach Nosodes correlating somewhat to his later discovery of the 38 Bach flower remedies. Over time, Bach became increasingly disillusioned with the limitations of conventional medicine and its focus on treating symptoms rather than underlying causes. He began to explore the connection between emotions and physical health.

"Although most of his discoveries up to that time had been made through scientific research, Edward Bach would trust his intuition when science could give him no satisfactory answer to his problems, and he found that such inner knowledge always led him right". Nora weeks

While researching certain vaccines Bach strongly believed that physical illness was the result of emotional imbalances as he found a clear connection between chronic disease and negative mental attitudes. Through his research Bach conclusively believed that clear emotional harmony leads to good health and unstable emotional inharmony leads to illnesses. He sought to find a simpler, more natural method of treatment that would address the emotional causes of illness and set on the journey to do so.

Bach was convinced that the true healing agents were to be found amongst the plants and trees of nature so he spent a significant amount of time in the countryside, observing plants and flowers. He would walk in nature, allowing himself to be drawn to specific plants that he felt had healing potential. He trusted his intuition to guide him in the search for remedies.

Bach categorized emotional and mental states that he believed were linked to physical illness. Bach aimed to find a plant remedy for each of these states, addressing issues such as fear, uncertainty, loneliness, and depression.

Bach found the sun and boiling methods different to previous homeopathic preparation methods to extract flower essences from plants, which would then become the key component of his remedies.

Bach would experience a certain emotional state that he would need to cure, then would use the flower essences of various plants and flowers he extracted from excluding those that were poisonous or were used for food. Through this method, he gradually found each remedy one by one.

Seven years passed quickly for Bach: Spring and Summer were spent looking for the remedies and extracting their essences to prepare remedies, winter was spent giving advice and healing to all who came looking for him. In 1932, he found his first 12 remedies and applied them to numerous patients seeking treatment. The following year, he started developing the second set of remedies, known as the 7 helpers. In 1934, Bach relocated to Mount Vernon in Oxfordshire. It was in the surrounding lanes and fields that he discovered the additional 19 remedies necessary to complete the series, creating the set of the 38 Bach flower remedies.

After completely finding the remedies, Bach spent his time curing people and publishing his work through many of his infamous works through books including Heal Thyself, Twelve Healers & the Remedies. Bach's intention now was to spread the word of this straightforward simple way of treating one to the world. Bach passed away peacefully on the evening of November 27th, 1936 at the age of 50.

  • Born: 24th September 1886 in Moseley, Birmingham, England.

  • Died: 27th November 1936 in Wallingford, Berkshire, England.

  • Nationality: British

  • Medical Education: Birmingham University and University College Hospital, London.